The Raven Parody - a response to chain-emails
If It Must Be Forwarded, Back Me Out
[The Raven Parody by Parodee]
Lately I have heard a rapping, email clogging, endless tapping,
sadness in a happy wrapping, pounding at Pop Server's door.
Bringing hugs for every sweetie, angels bright, or little Tweety,
verse: inspiring, message: needy - threat to follow, that's for sure.
"Not again!", I sighed, dejected, orders that I forward pour.
Would I send it? Nevermore!
As the threat of endless chaining, pretty words attached to paining,
"better join in bandwidth raining, else be caught in bad-luck lore".
Friends caught up in repetition, claiming fear or superstition,
sending on with each petition, send it on to distant shore.
Is this the measurement of friendship, now received from fiber's yore?
Only this and nothing more?
Melded into this mosaic, nothing sacred, nor prosaic,
warning that I not delay it, stomps my heart into the floor.
My solo voice cries out, exclaiming, "STOP THIS NOW! (this guilt mind-maiming)"
Why is no one else proclaiming how it bothers to the core?
Friends, I love you- no conditions, must I forward 'til I bore?
Forward guilt trips?... NEVERMORE !!