The Media Slut Political Traffic Jam

If Donald Trump is the car wreck you just can't ignore, then Trump plus Palin is the Freak Show of Guilty Pleasures! Clogging up the Presidential Path to issues-illuminating traffic we have the Trump campaign, bloviating one billionaire's self-importance without substance. What I once surmised to be the Donald's desire for media attention between seasons of The Apprentice, has become the MSM's total obsession and front-running campaign for the GOP nomination. As the GOP's personal Frankenstein monster, Trump has touched a certain faction of GOP Primary voters in such a way that nothing he says, whether hateful, bigoted, unsubstantiated, paranoid, or absurd, can shake his poll numbers. In an election cycle that seems to favor the ultimate "outsider", people are embracing the anti-politician regardless of his true sincerity or competence for the job. It matters not that he has taken every advantage that his privileged station in life has to offer, he re-brands himself as a populist and suckers are lapping it up.
Once the MSM took on the agenda of their corporate owners, seeking ratings over substance, they have locked in on all things Trump to the point of legitimizing what would have been considered ludicrous not long ago. This also describes the resurrection of their former media darling, Sarah Palin.
In a rambling word salad of incoherence, Sarah Trump-Stumped for Donald as we witnessed the discomfort of Trump himself as he struggled to appear as if her blathering made some sense. Late-night comedians had a field day.
This has been all quite entertaining, and is wonderful comedy fodder, but now it's Primary time and this nonsense needs to yield to real issues and plans for addressing these issues. Trump can no longer just say, "I know a guy" when questioned about his actual ideas to solve national problems. Presidential politics can no longer be a national reality show. I love comedy as entertainment, but we seriously need leadership, competence, and sensibility in the White House.